Inspired by the wisdom of Dr. Dyer, Dr. Dispenza, Sadhguru, life is what you create to be.
We are lucky to live with our wonderful family and friends. We are also grateful to be in this colorful and joyful home we call earth. Let’s protect our earth by using recyclable and beautiful products.
Take risk and pursue your dream! Have fun and begin creating your life through your imagination. It is our natural, innate ability to be creators at play.

Our Story
Jump in that blue ocean. Take a day off. Meditate near the waterfalls. Hold your favorite yoga pose. Run through the lavender field. Climb that green mountain. BE YOU!
Take that risk.
Elite Trend HQ was founded by a mother and son who were driven by the simple facts that they wanted to promote health and wellness in life. Mia is an elementary teacher who loves storytelling and infuses morals in her teaching to kids aged 6-12. Michael is a Doctor of physical therapy and loves to help his patients achieve pain relief life.
Launched in January 2015, Elite Trend has grown to be a fast eCommerce company and continue to produce high quality, convenient yet affordable outdoor gears. Our Microfiber towels have been everyone’s favorite and continue to be innovative.
With Elite Trend, we ensure that you will get a high-quality product that has a reputation for reliability and performance. Whether you are searching for high quality microfiber travel or beach towels, remarkable cooling towels or other outdoor, health, fitness products, we have you covered.
We thank you for all your support and we will continue to pursue the colorful dream which promotes health and wellness for a special you.
Kindly yours,
Mia and Michael